22. 4. 2009

The Question

Otázka tá neznie
či milovať či nie
Tá je celkom iná
ľudskému zraku skrytá
Mám sa znova krásne ničiť
a len sebe lásku žičiť
či zahorieť vášňou
a spraviť dievča šťastnou?
mať len ideál, sen
či okúsiť vôňu žien?
poradiť mi teraz smieš
vedz však skôr jak odpovieš
že dvom viem lásku sľúbiť
ale iba jednu ľúbiť.

1 komentář:

Anonymní řekl(a)...

Are the glasses on the table in the morning. Standing around like eye-witnesses of a battle. They saw winners. They saw losers too. Everyone had his performance tonight. The music has died. Next please!

Empty are the trash bins in front of a café. Emptied and changed by a little waiter working at a night shift. Whistling a song. Hands are faster. Steps are faster. Enhancing the moves. The work seems to run really fast tonight. Empty the head. Do the work. Faster, please!

Empty are the trash bins in front of the block of flats. A homeless man is moaning this morning. No food has been left. A morning drizzle is making the soil humid. There will be mud. The cold air is penetrating the bones. No breakfast. A little bit of sun, please!

Empty is the house. Quiet corners. A little spider crawling on the ceiling. The clock on the wall is ticking. The tap in the bathroom is dripping. Empty is the house since you have left. Would you come back? Please.